Tummy Tuck

Does your size change after a tummy tuck?
If you're a size zero or a small, you may be wondering: Does my size change after a tummy reshaping procedure? The good news is that most women who have tummy tucks notice that their clothes fit better than they did before the surgery. Depending on the type of tummy tuck you've had, you may find yourself wearing a larger size for a while. This is perfectly normal, and you can attribute the weight gain to the surgery. You may want to wait a few weeks before stepping on a scale to avoid causing yourself to reswell.

A tummy tuck procedure, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure used to remove excess fat and skin from the abdominal area. This procedure is best suited for those who are already close to their ideal weight but have stubborn belly fat. You can expect to lose up to two pant or dress sizes after the procedure, but it all depends on your clothing style and the kind of tummy tuck you choose.

While significant weight loss is never desired after a tummy tuck, you may lose inches, and your waist will become flatter and more streamlined. No more sagging pants. And many patients who have a tummy tuck go on to lose more weight by following a healthy lifestyle. Ultimately, a tummy tuck is an excellent way to permanently change your body's shape.

Your doctor will discuss your medical history and answer any questions you may have. You should tell your surgeon if you have any allergies or are currently on any medication. Make sure to disclose any previous surgeries. Discuss your current weight with your doctor, and be sure to mention any weight loss. Your doctor will ask questions and examine your abdomen to determine if the procedure will work for you. He may even take photos so he can see how your body responds to the procedure.

In addition to cosmetic improvements, you can also correct lower back pain and improve your waistline appearance. Dr. Kadz, a board-certified plastic surgeon, offers tummy tuck specials in California. His practice offers cutting-edge tummy tuck treatments and procedures. He will discuss your options with you and recommend the right course of action to achieve your goal.

A tummy reshaping surgery liposuction may not be the best option for you if you have loose skin in the lower abdomen. If this is the case, a repeat procedure may be the only option to achieve your ideal figure. If you have Abdominoplasty loose skin or are experiencing other health complications that require surgery, you may have to undergo another surgery to correct the problem. This is not always possible.

Before choosing a surgeon, make sure that your BMI is within a healthy range. If you are obese, you may have health problems that preclude you from undergoing the procedure. However, if you are generally healthy but overweight, you may be a candidate for abdominoplasty. You may need to lose weight before your surgery. A higher BMI might require you to lose weight prior to surgery.

During recovery, the incision is likely covered by a surgical dressing. Small tubes may be placed along the incision line to drain excess fluid. The doctor will instruct you on how to properly care for the drains. After the surgery, you may experience swelling and pain in the surgical area. You may need to continue taking antibiotics while you're wearing the drains. If you gain weight significantly after the procedure, the skin may stretch out.

A tummy tuck procedure can lead to weight loss, but the amount of weight you lose will depend on several factors. The removal of excess skin, fat, and excess tissue can all contribute to weight loss. For post-bariatric patients, it may be more than 10 pounds of weight. Some patients lose just a few pounds, while others lose a liposuction significant amount. For those who are still concerned about their size after a tummy tuck, it may even be more than that.

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